茅山北,大江南;句容是个好地方 。句容市恒耀抛光材料有限公司位于行香镇。公司以生产抛光磨料(俗称研磨石)和磨液为主,兼营光亮剂、高频瓷、抛光机。主产品磨料和磨液,已为众多知名的轴承生产企业、粉末冶金生产企业、五金工具生产企业、汽车摩托车配件、自行车配件生产企业和制针生产企业所信赖。磨料以其颗粒均匀、棱角分明,切削能力强而著称;磨液以其色泽清纯,去污防锈效果好,粘稠度高而深受用户的好评。
主 产 品:棕刚玉磨料(研磨石);白刚玉磨料;高铝瓷磨料;磨液。
Mao Shan, is located in the bouth of jiangsu; jurong is a good place Jurong city hengyao polishing material co.,ltd is located in xingxiang town, The company majors in products of polishing liquid, meantimes dealo in shines, high-frequency aluminium products,pclishing machin Main products such ao polishing stones and polishing liquid has alread.baen metallurg manuiacturing onterprise, hardwars a tools manufacturing enterprisea,utomobile motorcyelo fittings, blcyle fittings manufacturing enterprdsea and needle manufacturing enterprisea The polishing atones is famous for its consistent size,
multie angles and remarkeble polishing abiltty; polishing liquid is welcomes by users for itspure color and high viscosity.
There are more than 100 workers,10 englnears and techniclans now in the company with a national marketing system products 600 tons of polishing stones,500 cons of polishing liquid every year we are the only one polishing product manufacturar in jiang su province.
Company is prealdent,genaral manager yang boping heartily welcome old and new customars to visit and aooperate,
Main products:arown grind stones white grind stones;high aluminium grind stones;
polishing liguid. products:shina;high=frequency aluminlum products;polishing machine The products are suitable for-daily use tools and hardware,industrial tools.the bearing powdat metsliurgy, automobile motoroycle, bicycle fittings.the fittings of the spinning machine and needle making olactroplated products etc.